SIZABANTU PIPING SYSTEMS has a professional team of Engineers with a wealth of experience in Thermoplastics, and specifically PVC pipe. This team is available to Consulting Engineers and Design Engineers for advice, reference and confirmation of designs where PVC pipe has been specified.
Our team can also assist in suggesting alternatives to traditional materials considered for bulk water, pumping mainlines, reticulation pipelines and sewer pipelines. They will assist in the sizing of the pipeline, the correct material for the designed application, the hydraulic considerations, and any other aspects that may be relevant.
SIZABANTU PIPING SYSTEMS has a CPD accredited (by C E S A) presentation that attracts ½ CPD point. The presentation is approximately 90 minutes, and is focussed on TOM500 PVC-O, the benefits and the characteristics thereof. The presentation is normally free of charge, and can be arranged at any convenient venue, that will suit you.
To get in touch with our technical team, or to book a CPD accredited presentation, please click on the logo below, and we will be in contact soon.
To request a presentation please click the logo below: