Cyclone Idai 2019


As you may of heard on the news, cyclone Idai has hit Mozambique. The City of Beira in Mozambique has been left flooded, and chaos has resulted. Many hundreds of thousands have been left destitute without much hope. Countless people have died and are missing leaving children homeless without certainty of what the next day will deliver.

We would like to call on our team to donate essentials to those who have been affected. Sizabantu Mpumalanga will send a truck to Beira on the weekend, and I appeal to all to donate generously. We never know the extent of disasters like this, and its impact on the poorest of the poor is unthinkable. Please send any donations of clothing, blankets, tin foods, water or anything else you can think of, to Sizabantu Mpumalanga for attention Lechal Louw. We will then load it all on to our truck to get to Beira for much needed help.

It is in times like these that we are called upon, with our abundant blessings to assist, but also to reflect on our lives where our petty problems are dwarfed by real life tragedies.

We would like to welcome anyone else that is interested to also join in on our mission to help the victims of Cyclone Idai.

All donations will be sent to Sizabantu Mpumalanga (20 van Bergen street, Nelspruit) from where we will send our delivery trucks to get aid to those left vulnerable. Any donations will be appreciated and can be communicated to us at: 013 755 2707/8 | Greg Loock : / Lechal Louw :

We hold all those affected in our prayers!