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FIPAG, Mozambique
In 2018, Molecor South Africa hosted a high level delegation of Engineers from FIPAG, Mozambique. The aim of the visit was to introduce the delegates to the latest technology in thermoplastics, and explain why TOM500 PVC-O has shaped the future. As the capital of Mozambique, Maputo, is riddled with inferior quality material, installed for their water infrastructures, the delegation of Engineers were impressed with the detailed quality control measures, and the impressive 100 year design life of TOM500 PVC-O.
FIPAG also visited a site in North West Province, and witnessed the installation of a 800mm PN20 TOM500 PVC-O pipeline. Our guests were surprised with the ease of installing such a big pipe. Here’s to many more TOM500 PVC-O pipelines in Mozambique…