iThemba Lamampumuza Community Centre

Thank you for your donation of pipes for the work on the iThemba Lamampumuza Community Centre. Your willingness to help and the swiftness with which we received the pipes was wonderful, and encouraged us greatly. iThemba Projects is a community development organisation working in the community of Sweetwaters, KZN. iThemba believes that if the highest HIV infected community in the world is restored, it will be an example that can set a benchmark. iThemba uses a community-led approach, which has led to community acceptance and sustainability, as local volunteers are the drivers of many projects.
We focus on four things that research has shown will make the biggest change in the lives of kids, and improve the economic success of any nation:
1. Improving the Education system through giving children access to quality early childhood development (ECD), especially in the first 1000 days of life. We work in existing ECD centres as well as homes.
2. Sustainable nutrition – helping develop food gardens in schools and homes to end child stunting, provide food security, and allow children’s bodies and brains to grow the way they were intended.
3. Youth Mentoring – Giving kids and teens a loving adult role model who will walk with them through all the joys and messiness of life.
4. Building a Place of Hope (iThemba Lamampumuza Community Centre) Using green-building technology to empower unemployed people to create more safe spaces for children. The community centre already houses a preschool and a nursery, and will become a hub for after school activities and community services when it is completed.
So you see, your donation is more than just pipes. It’s another step closer to a place of Hope for this community. And it’s also an encouragement that we are not alone in this journey, a sign that you share the vision and the hope.
I am away currently to meet with our overseas funders, but would love to meet with you when I’m back to share more about our vision and to take you on a visit to the Community centre
With thanks,
Stu Walker