Blanket Drive | 2017 | Gauteng

Elandspoort Blankets (23 June 2017)

We had the challenge of making 100 hot dogs Friday morning.

After all was loaded we set off to Elandspoort where we meet up with Belinda from Hanna Charity, what we got to see was beyond belief that people could live in this type of extreme circumstance and still have a smile on their faces.

That black and white can live in peace and harmony and can share even if they don’t have themselves. Giving away their new blankets to and elderly persons, sharing a hotdog and even there lollies. Seeing the smiles of the kids cause there they got something decent to eat for the first time this week because the local play group was cancelled due to a measles breakout (I’m saying my prayers that I didn’t end up with that one).

Although I wish we could do more I can sleep easy tonight knowing that we helped a couple of people today and that they will sleep warmer tonight and we filled a tummy or two.

Lastly, we were thanked by all, I Quote: “May God Bless Sizabantu Thank you for everything”

Tonight, I will be saying my Thanks to The Lord for all our Blessings, warm beds, clothes and food in our tummies.

Thank you to all the staff of Sizabantu Gtn and Exports for the help and all the donations we received without all of you this wouldn’t have been possible.